Conference Proceedings & Presentations

2019        Kim, G. (2019). Vacant land assessment tool for community garden50 Environmental Design
                 Research Association (EDRA) Conference
, Brooklyn, New York.

2018        Kim, G. (2018). Modeling of ecosystem services on green infrastructure2018 A Community on
                 Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference, Washington, DC.
2018        Kim, G. (2018). Urban forest assessment, green infrastructure and sustainable community in
                 Arizona2018 Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 49th Annual Conference,
                 Oklahoma City, OK.
2018        Kim, G. (2018). Urban greening and urban forest assessment2018 US – International Association
                 for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) Annual Meeting
, Chicago, IL.

2016        Kim, G., Miller, P. A., & Nowak, D. J (2016). A ground-based method of assessing urban forest  
                 structure, ecosystem services, and economic benefits on vacant landThe International
                 Federation of Landscape Architect (IFLA) 53rd IFLA WORLD CONGRESS, Turin, Italy.

2016    Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2016). The impact of green infrastructure on human health and well-
                 being: A comparison of the Greenway and Urban Park in Blacksburg, Virginia, 2016 Council of  
                 Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)
Annual MeetingUtah State University, Logan, UT.

2015        Kim, G., Miller, P. A., & Nowak, D. J (2015). Assessing urban vacant land ecosystem services:                              
                 Urban vacant land as green infrastructure in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, 2015 VA ASLA
                 Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

2015        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2015). Calculating green infrastructure benefits on human health and well-being:
                 Some preliminary results for Huckleberry Trail and Heritage Community Park and

                 Natural Area, Blacksburg, VA, 2015 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Conference,
                 Baltimore, MD.

2015        Kim, G., Miller, P. A., Buikema, A. L., Katen, B. F., & Nowak, D. J (2015). Reimaging vacant land
                 as green infrastructure: Assessing vacant urban land ecosystem service and planning strategies
                 for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, 2015 LAR Graduate Student Symposium and Exhibition,
                 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
2015        Kim, G., Miller, P. A., & Nowak, D. J (2015). Green infrastructure values of vacant and residential land:
                 Some preliminary results
, 2015 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual
                 Meeting, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.

2014        Kim, G., Miller, P. A., & Nowak, D. J. (2014). Assessing urban vacant land forest structure and            

                 ecosystem services in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, 2014 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual  
                 Conference, Sacramento, CA.

2014        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2014). The comparison of green infrastructure benefits on human
health and well- being:
                 Huckleberry Trail, Heritage Community Park and Natural Area, 
Blacksburg, Virginia,
                 2014 Urban Environmental Pollution, Toronto, Canada.

2014        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2014). Calculating green infrastructure benefits on – human health  
and well- being,
                 2014 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual Meeting,

                 Morgan State University and University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.

2014        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2014). Urban vacant land as green infrastructure, 2014 Graduate                   
                 Student Assembly (GSA) 30th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Virginia Tech,                                 
                 Blacksburg, VA.
2014        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2014). Urban vacant land as green infrastructure: Assessing urban                                   
                 vacant land forest structure and ecosystem services in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, 2014                         
                 College of Architecture and Urban Studies (CAUS) Research Symposium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

2013        Kim, G., & Miller, P. A. (2013). Typology of urban left-over space and ecosystem values:
                 Analysis of structure, function and economic benefits
, 2013 Graduate Student Assembly (GSA)
                 29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium
, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

2012        Kim, M., & Kim, G. (2012). Typology of urban left-over space, 2012 Council of Educators in

                 Landscape Architecture (CELA) Annual Meeting, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign,
                 Champaign, IL.

2011         Kim, G., & Mugavin, D. (2011). Green infrastructure design project – Dorim Stream area,                         

                  Seoul, South Korea, The International Federation of Landscape Architect (IFLA) 48th IFLA                            
                  WORLD CONGRESS, Zurich, Switzerland.

Invited Presentations

2019        Kim, G. (2019). U.S. Urban Forest Effects and Values / Policy, Invited Speaker at National Institute of
                 Forest Science, Seoul, South Korea, May 21, 2019
2019        Kim, G. (2019). U.S. Urban Forest Effects and Values / Policy, Keynote Speaker at Pyeongtaek Urban
                 Forest Expert Workshop, Pyeongtaek City Hall, Pyeongtaek, South Korea, April 2, 2019
2018        Kim, G. (2018). Sustainable Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure, Guest Speaker at
                 North Carolina A&T State University, Department of Biology, Greensboro, NC, November 8, 2017.

2018        Kim, G. (2018). Sustainable Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure, Guest Speaker at
           NCASLA – USGBC Sustainable Sites Event Series, North Carolina, American Society of Landscape
                 Architects November 7. 2018.

Kim, G. (2018). Green infrastructure and human health and well-being, Guest Speaker at
                 Henan Agricultural University, College of Forestry, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China July 11. 2018

2018        Kim, G. (2018). Sponge city in China and low impact development, Guest Speaker at
                 Henan Agricultural University, College of Forestry, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China July 11. 2018

2018        Kim, G. (2018). Green infrastructure to support sustainability: Quantifying the effects of green
                 infrastructure to improve environmental quality and human health, Guest Speaker at
                 Henan Agricultural University, College of Forestry, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China July 9. 2018.
2017        Kim, G. (2017). Ecological approach to reduce pollution using urban forestry, Guest Speaker at
                 North Carolina A&T State University, Biological Engineering Program, Greensboro, NC, November
                 28, 2017.

2017        Kim, G. (2017). Urban drainage systems and green infrastructure, Guest Speaker at Stem-Early
                 College at
North Carolina A&T State University. Greensboro, NC, September 27, 2017.

2017        Kim, G. (2017). Assessing multiple ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure to support
                 sustainable futureGuest Speaker at North Carolina A&T State University, Landscape Architecture 
                 Program, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Design, College of Agriculture  
                 and Environmental Sciences, Greensboro, NC, April 10, 2017.
2017        Kim, G. (2017). Assessing multiple ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure to support
                 sustainable futureGuest Speaker at Arizona State University ALA 102. Tempe, AZ, March 27,
2017        Kim, G. (2017). Assessing multiple ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure to support
                 sustainable futureGuest Speaker at University of Oklahoma, Division of Landscape Architecture,  
                 College of Architecture. Norman, OK, February 27, 2017.

2017        Kim, G. (2017). Assessing multiple ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure to support
                 sustainable futureGuest Speaker at University of Florida, Department of Landscape Architecture,  
                 College of Design, Construction & Planning. Gainesville, FL, February 22, 2017.

2016        Kim, G. (2016). Ecological design and sustainable citiesGuest Speaker at Arizona State University
                 ALA 102. Tempe, AZ, November 15, 2016.
2016        Kim, G. (2016). Assessing urban forest structure, economic services and economic benefitsGuest
                 Speaker at Arizona State University EDP 710. Tempe, AZ, November 3, 2016.
2016        Kim, G. (2016). Ecosystem services of urban green infrastructureGuest Speaker at
                 Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Engineering,
                 South Korea, October 29, 2016.

2015        Kim, G. (2015). Ecosystem services and human health and well-beingGuest Speaker at University of
                 Nebraska-Lincoln, Landscape Architecture Program, College of Architecture. Lincoln, NE, March 9,